Mythic Heroes
Mythic Heroes by BadAxe Games is a case of missing the forest for the trees. It takes an oustanding idea and instead of developing it on its own it squishes it into a framework for d20 D&D. Maybe it's more like missing the faerie grove for the profitable lumber resources. But anyway, let me give my spin on what I think would make it better.
- Hero
- Shadow
- Mentor
- Oracle
- Trickster
- Maiden
- Fated
Hmm, okay. Based on the text, each group will contain these elements and will push for a better, more mythical story. My idea is that recognizing these elements in each character, and when they express themselves, will push for better roleplaying and a better, more mythical story.
So, what I imagine is a character with attributes or connections tied to each of these elements, as chosen by the player, which should, when certain game definitions are applied. Let's start with those definitions.
Hero slotted attributes or connections (Hero traits) are such that they lead the character to do bold, heroic things without concern for well-being, or discourage the character from being less than heroic when dealing with them. These include such connections as family and friends, attributes like justice or defending the weak. Hero traits give extra dice in conflicts, or cost less to activate, or whatever based off the system. Maybe this could be listed as 'Sacrifice self'?
Shadow slotted attributes or connections (Shadow traits) are such that they lead the characters to do sneaky, less than heroic things with concern for well-being, or encourage the character to be less than heroic when dealing with them. These include such connections as enemies and competition, attributes like practicality or hatred. Shadow traits remove successful dice from others in conflicts, or whatever based off of the sytem. Maybe this could be listed as 'Sacrifice others'?
Hero traits vs. Shadow traits - A player can broadly gauge their character's morality by which category has more traits. I can imagine the two headings on the character sheet, with traits listed under each. Could a trait be listed under both, and could it have different values? Maybe a Hero trait would refill or replenish the character when an act of self-sacrifice is performed, and for Shadow traits, when an act of sacrificing others is performed.
I guess that's enough for now.
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